About John A. Mathews (Edit profile)

John A. Mathews is the Managing Editor of ACCESS Magazine (mathewsj@ucla.edu).

Introduction: The Road Less Traveled

John A. Mathews

When I used to think of people biking to work, I pictured sweaty MAMILs (middle-aged men in Lycra) on ultra-light road bikes—riders who finished the Tour de France and then changed for their morning staff meeting. The reality is that not many people who bicycle are professional cyclists. I certainly don’t have an ultra-light road bike and a closet filled with polyurethane fiber. I just have my trusty 15-year-old mountain bike, and a cotton shirt or two.

Download the PDF.

Introduction: Shedding Weight

John A. Mathews

You probably have an extra pen in your car, or a discount card for a coffee shop you’ll never go to again. Maybe you have a Swiss army knife, or two, just in case it’s the end of the world and one isn’t enough. We constantly add extra weight to our travels just in case we might need something. The booming self-storage industry shows just how hard it is for us to let things go.

Download the PDF.

2017-05-26T21:41:57+00:00Categories: ACCESS 44, Spring 2014|

Introduction: Getting on Board with Public Transit

John A. Mathews

The ancient Greeks believed that the recently deceased journeyed to the land of the dead not by floating toward a bright light, but by public transportation. A boat driver named Charon carried souls across the river Styx on an express ferry to Hades. The dead who didn't have exact change were forced to wander for thousands of years, looking for a deli where they could break a drachma. Download the PDF.

2017-05-26T21:57:27+00:00Categories: ACCESS 42, Spring 2013|