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Lydia Chen

We've previously dubbed this the century of the automobile, and to some degree it has been. It's also been the century of the telephone, the airplane, the movies, the radio, the high-rise office building, and a lot of other wonders. But among the technologies that have marked these 100 years, the automobile has surely been one of the most visible and most consequential.

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2017-05-31T23:04:54+00:00Categories: ACCESS 06, Spring 1995|


Lydia Chen

In this issue of ACCESS, we examine how land use considerations can improve transportation planning. Transportation planners have traditionally sought to maximize mobility by supplying better roads and common carriers, thus making it easier to move around. Seldom have they sought to improve the characteristics of destinations. That’s been the responsibility of city planners and land developers. But, say our authors, that separation of land use and transportation planning is no longer good enough.

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2017-05-19T22:58:04+00:00Categories: ACCESS 05, Fall 1994|